Club competitions are go!

Joe has sent around a mail detailing the make up of the two divisions – it may also be found on the Competitions page for this year.  Some important changes:-

  1. Division 1 now comprises 9 players
  2. Provided BOTH players agree, the time control will be 75 minutes for the first 35 moves (as previously) followed by 15 minutes for the rest of the game (as previously) with an addition of 30 seconds per move starting from move 36.    If this option is taken, a full score MUST be kept during the second period, even during the last 5 minutes on the clock.
  3. All players MUST play at least two games in their division by the end of the calendar year.

There is also a proposed playing schedule which Joe will be monitoring in an effort to avoid the end of season log jam of games – highlighted squares on the grid show games that are due in the month or overdue.

Be lucky!

STOP PRESS – Ben Pike has won the first game to be played this season – if this performance is repeated across the whole of Scotland …. (sorry, getting confused now!?)