“The Caro Kann… all pawns and no hope”

There’s probably all sorts of important online chess going on at the moment but I must saying I’m missing seeing the whites of my opponent’s eyes. Anyway, if you need a diversion, you could do worse that watch the new Netflix series Queen’s Gambit. Unlike much of chess in films, they even manage to set the board up correctly!? – to be fair, there’s some quite amusing rhetoric which I enjoyed (quite aside from the sex and drugs).

If you get past the first episode, Beth manages to play some quite decent stuff, much of which is drawn from real games. Its hard to get the detail on superficial viewing but the Ginger GM does it here in his own inimitable style – watch the series first (or don’t – its not that unpredictable!).

Stay safe, Steve

(note extremely bene, we’re still paying albeit modestly for this website to be hosted so if anyone wants to share anything with the world, please send and I will gladly post)