Summer Specials 

Those who came to the club last Thursday for the Endings Summer Special were joined by newcomer Alec who had come expecting a junior session and bravely stepped up to complete a second team of 8 – each team member playing 6 rounds against 6 different members of the opposing team. See below for individual results.

Richard Bodily had unearthed some intriguing endings from real games in which the predicted outcome with best play was far from obvious. In each round the lower rated player had the choice of colours and to score a point had to achieve or better the predicted result – otherwise the point would go to the other player.  [Ed – the positions are shown below – I will post solutions in a few weeks time.]

After each round Richard demonstrated what should have happened with best play.  It was a fascinating evening brilliantly and efficiently organised by Richard and Paul Habershon.

Tonight (Thursday 25 July), Steve Ledger will be organising a similar competition based on his selection of mind boggling Gambits. Another good turnout would be a great way to end the season!

Peter Gill, 22nd July 2024

*** STOP PRESS *** The Chess Club Curry night will be held on Thursday 29th August – anyone yet to signup, contact Steve Ledger

Puzzle 1 – Black to play and draw

Puzzle 2 – White to play and win

Puzzle 3 – White to play and draw

Puzzle 4 – Black to play and win

Puzzle 5 – White to play and win

Puzzle 6 – White to play and win

TEAM A123456Pts
Toby Cox1010013
Alex Taylor1100103
Jack Hale1100103
Lucian Cox0101103
Peter Gill1001114
Mahmoud Dairi1001103
Daniella Dairi0001001
Alec (came for junior club)0000000
Average rating: 1417                                                                         TOTAL 20
TEAM B123456Pts
Mike Botteley1111015
Ramsey Dairi1111116
James Goodman0110103
Rob Walker1010002
Nigel Walker0001012
David Cox0010012
Alex Potts0111014
George Griffiths0110114
Average rating: 1685                                                                       TOTAL28