More fun in Greece

Steve reports:

Hope you all saw my magnificent swindle today (below-Ed) !? One very peed off Estonian who made me mate him with k+q V k. Not gone entirely to plan lately in a couple of bizarre matches. We drew with Grantham yesterday, 3 quiet draws on the top 3 then Dave won a right mess of a game, I recovered from an awful opening to even entertain winning thoughts then messed up a Q ending and got mated with 4Qs on the board (sorry Steve, thought we’d better see that as well ! ). Chris Duncan then proved the mantra of never give up / nobody ever won or drew a game by resigning by somehow drawing from -52 on Stockfish. Today was a nasty draw but our IMs halved out on the top 2 before Chris Duncan lost on time with 2.5 mins for move 40 in a decent position. This ultimately rendered my swindle academic and we went down 2.5-3.5. Norwegian team tomorrow who are losing even more rating points than we are !