AGM tonight!

The Bedford Chess Club AGM takes place tonight, Thursday 29 June 2017 at 7.45pm.

The various reports maybe found on the admin page.

The agenda is as follows:-

1 Apologies

2 Minutes and matters arising

3 Officer’s reports:-

A, B, C and D Team and Other Captains
Tournament Organiser
County AGM

4 Presentation of trophies

5 Game of the year

6 Election of officers:-

Secretary Treasurer/ Subscription Secretary
Team Captains A, B, C, D and others
Web-site controller
Tournament Organiser
Publicity Officer

7 Next year’s arrangements:-

Subscriptions (Maintain, increase or reduce?)
Club tournaments – consider sanctions for failure to play games?
Date of committee meeting
Summer specials
Game of the year
Engraving trophies

8 Bank surplus – what should we do with it?

10 Constitution?? (Do we need one?)

11 Insurance?

12 Junior club

13 Any other business