Blackthorne Russia progress

Steve reports from Greece:-

Managed to beat an Irish team yesterday though not as convincingly as it might have been. Luxembourg’s finest today who are a mixture of Serbs and Steve Dishman who I was playing in my uni days. Rest day for me. You’re not allowed to wear a watch let alone have a phone on you ! And everyone gets frisked with a metal detector when entering the playing hall …. yes, even Magnus, shame chess has come to that.

Ed – I found Steve’s game which I thought looked quite good!?

One Reply to “Blackthorne Russia progress”

  1. Hope you all saw my magnificent swindle today !? One very peed off Estonian who made me mate him with k+q V k. Not gone entirely to plan lately in a couple of bizarre matches. We drew with Grantham yesterday, 3 quiet draws on the top 3 then Dave won a right mess of a game, I recovered from an awful opening to even entertain winning thoughts then messed up a Q ending and got mated with 4Qs on the board. Chris Duncan then proved the mantra of never give up / nobody ever won or drew a game by resigning by somehow drawing from -52 on Stockfish. Today was a nasty draw but our IMs halved out on the top 2 before Chris Duncan lost on time with 2.5 mins for move 40 in a decent position. This ultimately rendered my swindle academic and we went down 2.5-3.5. Norwegian team tomorrow who are losing even more rating points than we are !

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