Chess and artificial inteligence

Ravi has passed this to me which looks very interesting:

Grandmaster Matthew Sadler and I will be giving a lecture about AI and chess followed by a simultaneous chess display where you will get a chance to play against a grandmaster. We will look at some beautiful AlphaZero games and show you some AlphaZero strategies that you can incorporate into your own play (AlphaZero is the AI programme produced by DeepMind that beat Stockfish in a 100 game match at the end of 2017).

The event is hosted by the London Mensa Games Club and is on Friday 28th September at The Rugby Tavern, Millman Street (near Holborn/Russell square). Tickets are £15 including buffet and it would be great to see you there!

The programme is:
6:30-7:00: buffet dinner
7:00-8:00: the lecture on AlphaZero strategies.
8:10-10:00: simul!

Under 18’s are welcome, but need to come with a parent or guardian. They will need to leave by 9pm because of the restrictions of the license of the pub (and so under 18s and their parents will have first priority in the simul).

If you would like to attend please can you let Yulia know using the email and she will arrange payment/tickets.

One Reply to “Chess and artificial inteligence”

  1. I like the revised layout of the website – it’s much easier to read and looks more stylish. And the picture of the pieces changes periodically too!

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