News from the sticks

Neil shares his latest triumph with us:-

I finished the Norfolk championship with 1/5, next to bottom, and a grading performance of 113.

My last round game against Terry Turner (172) was, however, submitted for the Best Game prize on the grounds that it was the one game played in the tournament in which there were no inaccurate moves at any stage:
1. d4 (according to former World Correspondence Champion Hans Berliner, superior to to 1.e4, and to all the other first moves – shop/pc/System-The-p3635.htm)Black (who had 0.5/4, had been brilliantly trounced in the morning from a position where he appeared to be winning, and evidently decided that he had some drying paint that needed watching) loses by default.
The Best Game adjudicator, Senior International Master Mike Read (who sends his regards to friend Valerio), regretfully concluded that Black’s play was not good enough for the game to qualify.
Why do I persist with this ridiculous activity?!