About time!

As recently emailed, Paul Habershon and Peter Gill have recently invested a significant portion of their remaining lifespans setting up just about all the 15 newest digital clocks for the club all-play-all tournaments and the Beds. Chess League – many thanks to them both.

Instructions as follows:-

  • If you scroll to Mode 21 you should see each clock showing 1:10 (= 1h 10m, but there is actually a 10 second increment hidden in there as well). A further 10 second increment will be automatically added after every move you play right up to the end of the game. No action is needed after Black’s 35th move – you just need to make sure that 35 moves have been played before the first clock gets down to zero. A black ‘flag’ will temporarily appear when that happens, to cover the rare cases when you need to know who got to zero first. As soon as the first clock reaches zero, ten minutes are automatically added to each clock and you must complete the rest of the moves in your remaining time. You still get the 10-second increments. A black flag will appear again if someone loses on time.
  • For the Open Tournament, Mode 21 is also encouraged but you can play a shorter form.  A minimum of 61 minutes is required for grading. Mode 18 has been set to 61 minutes (1:01) (+10-second increments) for the whole game.

An amended guide to changing dgt settings may be seen  here.

These instructions has also been added to the rule clarifications on the competition page.